Songs we made

This page was created as a place to share songs written by people in Frostheim, or by people in other areas who entered the Norrskensbard competition.

Norrskensbard Entrant’s Documentation:

Kareina Talventytär has entered all four Norrskensbard competitions, and prepared a pdf with documentation, lyrics, and sheet music for each competition (click on the links below for the pdfs):

Kareina 2018 includes: Round 1 (period): Jubilemus Regi nostro (instrumental, on hammer dulcimer), Round 2 (period style): When Summer comes (a sestina written for Kaarina’s elevation to the order of the Laurel, complete with unmeasured music), Round 3 (Bard’s choice theme: The SCA): The SCA (a sestina first written for last year’s competition, but the topic was perfect for the theme), Round 4 (Three words out of a hat: Har i Brattby)

Kareina 2017 includes: Round 1 (period): Bacche bene venies (sang it without instrumental accompaniment, but got the audience to sing along on the chorus), Round 2 (period style): The SCA (a sestina inspired by Lo ferm voler),
Round 3 (Bard’s choice theme: drinking song): Pass the water (to the tune of Pase el agoa, ma Julietta), Round 4: (3 words out of a hat): Den Ensam eremit (a fairy-tale)

Kareina 2016 includes: Round 1 (period): Tourdion (instrumental/dulcimer), Round 2 (period style): The Prologue to Double Wars (inspired by the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales), Round 3 (theme: Nature): Winter Time it has arrived (to the tune of Sumer is icumen in), Round 4 (3 words out of a hat): …a silly poem/story that included Baccus (sorry, this one is missing as of 2018-08-19)

 Kareina 2015 includes: Round 1 (period): the first 16 lines of the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, Round 2 (period style): Winter Time it has Arrived (to the tune of Sumer is icumen in), Round 3 (theme: Nordmark): Norra Nordmark (to the tune of Bache, bene venies), Round 4 (3 words out of a hat): Genom myrskog ska de gå (to the tune of Tourdion).

In addition, Kareina has twice entered the Drachenvision” Competitions at Kingdom level events.  Her entry Warriors of Drachenwald was chosen as the winning War Song for the contest at 12th Night Coronation in AS 53 (2018). She was unable to attend that event herself, so she enlisted the help of two Bards: Alays de Lunel and Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh, whose beautiful voices and lovely harmonies were, no doubt, instrumental in the song’s victory. (It is worth clicking that link to the video of their performance!).  Kareina’s first entry to a Drachenvision contest was for the open theme contest held at Kingdom University, 2018. where she performed the song Gyllengran which she and the rest of the Gyllengran team wrote at Gyllengran XXX event as part of the pentathlon competition at that event. The team included:  Brynjolfr, Dorothea Pictora, Erik Knutsson Drake, Hezekiel, Hildur den Kölhalad, Gerdis av Bure, Kareina Talventytär, plus more whose names I have forgotten… (The song didn’t win at either event, but the audience did sing along on the chorus for it at University.)